Women have been instrumental in business leadership and equally in times of crisis. March is celebrating Women’s History Month. This is especially important given this unprecedented time in our history and encouraging others to stay positive. We are in this together and will get through it together.
AMC Health recognizes you – someone who exemplifies leadership and your contributions for others as a role model.
Johanna Georgilas
Executive Vice President, Operations, & Chief Nursing Officer

Who inspires you from your history or from history in general?
I’ve been very blessed to have three strong women as role models and sources of inspiration in my life. On a personal level, my mom taught me to be self-reliant, independent and to persevere when goals seem impossible. On a professional level, my first nurse manager, and good friend taught me the value of teamwork, the importance of kindness in the workplace and instilled in me a level of confidence that was so critical as a new nurse. Likewise, my first corporate manager mentored me in fostering positive customer relationships and navigating office politics successfully.
As women leaders, how are you encouraging others during this unprecedented time in our history?
As a leader, I believe it is so important to support AMC’s staff and to ensure that we’re looking out for our employees. There’s much uncertainty, fear and confusion right now…. who knows what things will look like in a week, a month or a year. We’re all blessed to work for a healthcare company where it’s the norm to work remotely and where we have secure jobs – but that doesn’t mean we’re immune to the impact of Coronavirus. I would like to think I’m encouraging others with a sense of calm purpose. I know it’s a scary world right now, and we have to take care of ourselves, our families and our patients. That’s how we’ll get through this – by supporting each other and focusing on those things that we can influence.
Christine Sapienza
VP Customer and Technical Services

Who inspires you from your history or from history in general?
From my personal history: I am inspired daily by the adaptability and resiliency of my paternal grandmother who was afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis as a young mother of 4 boys. Her impact on my life as a young child and through my adult life until her final days 10 years ago has left an indelible imprint on how I conduct myself in the face of any adversity. Her intellect, selflessness, loyalty to family and friends, and her sense of style has always influenced me in the most positive ways. She was a sincere and nurturing person and although I never experienced her standing, dancing, walking, I knew what she stood for. Always.
As women leaders, how are you encouraging others during this unprecedented time in our history?
One of the most important lessons I have learned from female mentors along my career path has been to speak up/speak my truth (even if it’s unpopular), share my knowledge, never stop learning, stay the course (even as it changes minute-by-minute) and build a network of mentors and mentees to help me support, educate and challenge myself often. I work to apply these lessons in my day-to-day work, and have always advised the same to my female colleagues. Building skills and encouraging adaptability are my primary focus in leading and encouraging others.
Susan Schultz-Miller
Manager of Clinical Operations RN, CCM
Currently Susan is the Manager of Clinical Operations at AMC Health and has been with AMC Health for 4 years. Susan has over 30 years of experience in the nursing field in the areas of Medical Surgical, ER, Home Care, Consulting, with most years spent in nursing leadership. She spent 20 years as a Hospital Nurse Executive followed by leadership positions at remote companies.
Susan obtained her Degree in Nursing from Ferris State University with continued studies at the University of Michigan in Health Care Administration. She has an Administrators license and is currently a Certified Case Manager.
As a wife and mother of four, Susan enjoys the outdoors, gardening, cooking, and biking.