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How to Efficiently Increase Monitoring to Better Assist Members with Hypertension

Written by AMC Health | May 20, 2024 1:47:00 PM

When it comes to virtual care opportunities for members with hypertension, it’s critical for solutions and programs to provide the experience, usability, and monitoring capabilities that members deserve. Because hypertension plays an aggressive role in the deaths of countless Americans each year, it’s important for payers and providers to be vigilant with care offerings that include sophisticated telecare monitoring capabilities.

To best help members struggling with hypertension, AMC Health has developed integrated programs for payers that improve monitoring to remotely facilitate enhanced management of afflicted members. Components of these user-friendly programs include:

Remote Monitoring Devices

Members are equipped with blood pressure monitors and weight scales that facilitate virtual monitoring. These devices allow members to track their vital signs daily, which is crucial for managing hypertension effectively to put the member on a path to wellness.

Digital Tools

AMC Health’s program incorporates digital surveys and interactive voice response reminders. These tools help to ensure members stay compliant with their treatment plans and help keep track of health metrics accurately and regularly.

Data-Driven Personalization

The use of advanced analytics and machine learning helps tailor care to the individual needs of each person. This technology-driven approach ensures that interventions are based on the member’s specific health data and patterns, optimizing the effectiveness of the management program.

Proactive Interventions

In case there are any alerts or deviations in the monitored data, such as a spike in blood pressure, AMC Health’s program is designed to enable timely interventions. The clinical team assesses the situation and provides personalized guidance while adjusting the treatment plan as necessary.

Education and Support

Knowledge is a key component to healing, so AMC Health’s program emphasizes educating members about hypertension management, including medication adherence and lifestyle changes. This education is delivered through various mediums, including digital content, to enhance understanding and engagement.

These capabilities collectively aim to enhance member engagement, improve health outcomes, and reduce the necessity for in-person medical visits, thereby making hypertension management more effective and less intrusive for members.

AMC Health is uniquely positioned to develop programs for payers to provide virtual care for members with hypertension that goes above and beyond. For more information on how these customizable programs can assist you in improving the lives of your members, set up a free discovery call today.